
Monday, April 27, 2015

Hair Trends For Spring & Summer 2015

This Spring & Summer Season there are a lot of great Hair Trends that us girls should know about.  These trends have been seen all over the fashion runways and now it's your turn! Turn your street into a runway and look beautiful with these easy to-do hairstyles!

Half Up - Valentino

The first trend is the half-up, half-down centre parted style.

Accessories - Dolce & Gabbana
The second trend is accessories.  You can wear anything from a floral piece like this model to scarves.

The third trend is casual braids.  Give your hair a trendy twist by adding some simple braids throughout.  Try having a few random braids throughout your hair for a more casual look.  For a more evening look try braids pulled back into a tight updo.   

Braids - Giorgio Armani
Ponytail - Gucci

The next look is of course, the one and only Ponytail!  This classic look is not going anywhere anytime soon!  Right now the low ponytail is rocking the ponytail world!  Try yours natural for a classic casual style, or slicked back for a sexy evening look!

Short-Cut - Burberry

Next is waves.  This is a trend that has been around for a while now and is a look that I personally adore.  Let your hair dry naturally for beautiful wavy locks, or if you have pin straight hair use hair rollers or a curling iron for loose flowing waves! 

Waves - Burberry
I saved the best for last ( in my opinion). Short-cuts are definitely the look that I personally think are the most popular.  The look on the model on the right is a hair trend that I have been seeing everywhere..literally everywhere!  I LOVE this look I think it is just so classy and sophisticated.  It looks beautiful with one solid hair color but I also think it's a cut that looks great with an Ombre as well.

I have actually been thinking of doing this to my hair but I'm a little nervous since my hair is so long and it would be such a drastic change.  So let me know if you think I should go for it or keep my hair the same!!

I hope this was helpful to you beauties!  You can find more of all these looks at  If you want to see more posts like this let me know.  Check out my YouTube Channel for more beauty tips & trends and follow me on here for updates on new posts!  Thanks guys! - Victoria

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